Tuesday, September 29, 2009

supamaketto: わたしのいもうとはスーパーへいきました。

I went through my memory card this weekend and found some pictures from my sister's trip to Japan this summer. (She stayed with a host family in ひろしま for six weeks and took something of a ski lift to school everyday because her host family lived up in the mountain region .. sigh. still envious.)
Anyway, here's a picture from her travels that I stumbled across ..

If you can read the label : いちまんはっせんひゅうひゃくえんです。
This genetically-engineered cubed watermelon runs for about 18900 yen or roughly にひゃくじゅうドラ ($210). THAT IS SOME CRAZY.

EDIT: Apparently it was grown in a box as speculated, not genetically engineered.. According to CNN and the "National Watermelon Promotion Board"

^if anyone wants a go at it.


Thursday, September 24, 2009


descending Hamilton

happy weekend!

until らいしゅう!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Which means i'm doing/must do all the Frontiers HW I've been putting off until now.

Is that grammatically legal?
So, もくようびをください= Give me Thursday, please? Or do you only use ~o kudasai for tangible objects?
In any case, I'm taking a nap.
Until あした!

Chindogu of the week-

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I would love to learn more about  Japanese culture--history, cuisine, customs, folklore, movies, music, etc--beyond what's been filtered into American culture. No better place to start than by learning to speak it?

I took french in high school, and contemplated spanish and japanese coming into college because I've finally accepted that I speak better franglais than I do french. I ultimately chose japanese because spanish is something I can pick up later in life if I really want to, which I still do, but I'll probably never get a better opportunity to learn japanese (correctly) than I do here at Columbia. After my brief enrollment in an Irish language class (out of pure curiosity.. gaelic .. irish.. english?) because the only section of Japanese I could take was full (panic), a spot openned up and here I am, playing around with my keyboard. えfhsjふぁ

It's a lot of work; I have a hard time naturally speaking without having to slowly piece together what japanese I know into something hopefully coherent. But, it's so fun and I'm amazed at how much I've learned in the span of eight classes.

It's a party!

Partially because we have (imaginary) soirees and shindigs.


This is why i love Japan. Blows american infomercials out of the water.

And with that, I give you my blog.